The Revival Center

The focus of this ministry is to empower the saints to walk in the authority of  Jesus Christ  while embracing all the gifts of the Spirit of God in full expectancy for the miraculous with a tenderness toward the Heart of God to win the lost.

The Revival Center opened in January 2006 and began weekly Miracle Crusades on Friday nights.  It soon became apparent that people were coming who were in need of a church home, so Sunday morning services began in September of the same year.  Currently there is a full schedule of opportunities for worship, Bible study, and fellowship at 2221 Villa in Clovis, California.

Mailing Address:  
PO Box 740, Kingsburg, CA 93631

Office Street Address: 
1516 Draper Street, Kingsburg, CA 93631

Church Street Address:
The Revival Center,
2221 Villa Avenue, Clovis CA 93611

Phone:  559-897-9575 

Fax:  559-897-9576

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Horizon Media Studios, Answering The Call, non-profit video production company,  Inspirational Christian Television Programming, Parable TV,  Mike Lindell,  My Pillow,  Overcomers TV,  Recovery Programming,  Positive television,  wholesome television programming,  healing television programming,  non-profit ministry,  non-profit media ministry,  media ministry,  video production ministry,  Pastor Chuck Reich,  Chuck Reich,  Revelations TV,  family friendly programming,  wholesome content,  Christian based television programming,  positive television programming,  501C3 Media ministry,  helping other ministries tell their stories,  , media exposure for bible colleges, media exposure for ministries,  media exposure for children’s homes,  media exposure for seminaries,  media for mission agencies,  inspirational television,  ministries in action,  ministries who are helping people,  non-profit shining God’s light,  Annette Reich,  Lindell Recovery Network,  Horizon Media,  Horizon Television,  Answer the call,  Horizon TV,  Horizon Television,  share the gospel of Jesus Christ through television, raise awareness and encourage personal involvement, Christian Leadership Alliance, CLATV,  Truli,  Truli Media Group,  Glorystar,  Christian media distribution,  The Walk,  CTN,  message of inspiration, Higherlife Publishing & Marketing,  Answering the call on Roku, stories of individuals that overcame strongholds,